Since I’ll be going to the “Flying Through the ’30s” Symposium organised by the Croydon Airport Society and UCL this month, I thought I’d look at Geoffrey’s experiences as a Commercial Trainee at Croydon. I think the biplane on the left
Sign up for the Flying Through the 30s academic symposium
If you’d like to attend the UCL/Croydon airport academic symposium on 16th April, from 10:00 till 17:30, you can buy tickets now. Booking closes 11th April. Flying through the 30s: Air travel and interwar Britain is a one day event featuring
A Date with ‘Croydon Calling’
Croydon Calling, the Croydon Airport Society, in association with University College London, will be holding a symposium in April, and we will be putting on a display from Geoffrey’s box – including the White Water Landing books, of course. The
Flying boats in 1936
It seems strange to think that eighty years ago there weren’t any C class flying boats in existence. I’m hoping to find that some of the air museums might have noticed that this is the anniversary of the first to
Launch Day
It seems like months in the making, and at last it is launch day, and the book my father didn’t want to write, but dictated anyway, has finally been published. Didn’t want to write? Well, this is how he started the