G-AETW Calpurnia at Lindi, Tanganyika

Geoffrey Pett was born in 1915 and died in March 2005. He joined Imperial Airways as a Commercial Trainee when he was eighteen, finished his training at age twenty, and was sent out to the middle of Africa to look

White Water Landings is the memoir of Geoffrey Pett of his early days, his recruitment by Imperial Airways, and his career with the Empire Flying Boats in Africa. Geoffrey joined Imperial Airways at age eighteen – one of six Commercial

Photo album
Geoffrey’s Photo Album 1935-1939 Croydon, Brindisi, Africa and postings This shows each page of the album. You can view them in the gallery below and click on any page to enlarge it in your browser, or click the first one
Reviews for White Water Landings
Anyone interested in this period of aviation will find these little-heard tales of pioneering operations against a backcloth of very different societies and locations invaluable, and there are more than 70 previously unpublished photographs. The book's informality provides an excellent source of aviation and social history.
This is neither a nerdy book about aircraft nor indeed a worthy historical tome. It is a lovely re-telling of one man’s time working in Africa from really quite a young age. It looks at the unique flying boat service from a different perspective (from on the ground - or on the water!) - as opposed to the view from the cockpit, as is often the case with other books on the subject. As such you get a real feel for the places the flying boats were serving.