Another year has more or less passed, and it’s been just as difficult as when I last wrote.
I suppose better things are on the horizon, and hopefully those plans we’re all making for the late summer and autumn won’t have to be changed yet again.
For me, and for White Water Landings, there is good news, as I’ve identified some Craft and Gift Fairs which may be suitable for me to have a stall and talk about White Water Landings as well as my own novels and short stories.
I’ll be trying this out at Romsey Town Hall on Saturday September 18th, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

So if you’re interested in buying Christmas presents early, or you’re just in the area and fancy meeting me(!) and talking flying boats, please pop it in your diary now.
If this goes well I’ll venture further afield, but mainly Hampshire, Wiltshire, Berkshire….
I live in Leicetsrshire, so Romsey is not on the doorstep, but one of my tutors of the 70s retired to Romsey, and now that I am retired too, we keep in touch. To meet up with two of you in one day makes a trek down there a sensible proposition. I hope White Water Landings is still selling. My writing experience, in the avaition seam, is that it will fall away if you don’t find ways of promoting it. I still cherish the ‘stories’ within the content – especially those in Mbeya! Classic flying-related tales.
Kind regards Mike Hirst
I’m lucky in that it seems to crop up on people’s searches fairly regularly and ticks along nicely! Unlike my other books…
It would be great if you made the trip to Romsey. It’s only a small fair but good quality.
I have also now secured a place at the Salisbury fair (in the Guildhall) on Friday 19th November.
Current plan is to deliver a set of ancient photo albums to a friend in Dorking (16 or17 Sept) and to be in Romsey on 18 Sept. My son is providing the haulage and he will be calling tomorrow, to lay out plans. I hope that is done this weekend – we are aiming to be in Romsey in time to meet you, and to also meet my tutor of 1970-74 and who retired to Romsey (s2000). He is very keen for he and I to catch up again., and I would like him to meet you too: I think he eould be delighted with the content of ‘White Water Landings’ so please make sure you have one kept aside that I can buy for him!
Looking forward to meeting you. Kind regards Mike Hirst
I cannot get to Romsey so soon as planned. It is a bitter disappointment as probably I will be there about a week later. I certianly hope you have a good reception and gather interest, and more sales.
Sorry to miss the opportunity to thank you personally for what is a unique and delightful book.
Kind regards Mike Hirst
Sorry you didn’t make it, Mike. It’s short notice, but I’m in Salisbury tomorrow 19th Nov, then Wickham on Sunday 5th December for their Christmas fair.
After that the fairs go quiet till March. I’ll be doing about one a month in the New Forest – Salisbury area, unless Winchester opens up, then I’ll add that.
You should be in Salisbury as I write. Thanks for your reponse, and I hope all goes well , My son and I did get into the region later in the month, and met friend in Romsey.
FYI – In Winchester we found a great fish & chip shop (said they had opened a few months ago ) – location is on east sideof main street, a little south of the statue of King Alfred. They are 1/2 the price of a much posher F&C shop that is further down the street.
If you have the chance – and assuming you havn’t been there already – I was over the Moon to see the Short Sandringham fllying boat at the Solent Sky museum in Southampton. It is a modified Sunderland. so same proportions as Short S23 but scaled up with more room within. Ambience within is the best possible example of the earler S23 . Beats ‘Ryanair’ hands down!
Hope you are still getting steady sales of ‘White Water landing.’ Really nice to hear from you.
Kind wishes Mike Hirst
I hope to get to Solent Sky sometime. They have resolutely failed to respond to my emails in the past. Perhaps pointing out they had the dates of the start of the service a year late didn’t enamour me to them.
I think I gave up on linking them here, I must check.