There’s someone searching for Pat Montague-Bates on this blog. If you leave a comment below with any information that might help, I’ll have a look through what I’ve opened already and keep an eye out for him in future. I know he was listed as being at Brindisi. Have you checked the start of the photo album for pictures?
And someone else reading might know of him.
Comment: Montague-Bates
pat montague bates was a cousin of mine and i am researching that branch of my family, pat was educated at wellington on an imperial airways scholarship and was called up at the outbreak of ww11 he was shot down and killed over crete in april1941 whilst flying as a pilot officer returning from a raid on advancing german troops during the fall of crete, i am trying to find a picture of him as they were all lost on his father’s death in 1954
I’m afraid there’s no indication in the photo album giving names of the people in the photos. But if you think you know which he is in (Brindisi probably), let me know and I’ll try and get a better scan of any pictures you want.